Our Firm has experience with the Brown Act requirements, Internal Revenue Code compliance matters, California Insurance laws, COBRA, HIPAA, and fiduciary duties. We have advised our governmental clients on a wide variety of employee benefit matters including:
- Section 457(b) plans, both preparation and compliance
- Section 457(f) non-qualified plans
- 37 Act Pension plans
- HIPAA compliance, including HIPAA privacy and HIPAA security
- Internal Revenue Code requirements for defined benefit and defined contribution plans (Section 401(a) plans)
- Retiree health trusts
- Guidance on the legal aspects of investment authority
- Rights and responsibilities of appointed and elected officials in regard to employee benefits
Our broad experience and depth in employee benefits matters coupled with our long-standing representation of governmental entities give us a unique ability to handle any and all benefits matters that may need legal attention. We understand the context of government sponsored benefit programs, whether they pertain to represented or non-represented groups of employees.