Author: Trucker Huss

The 2020 Must-Do List for Qualified Retirement Plans

CRAIG P. HOFFMAN and KEVIN E. NOLT, February, 2020    Qualified retirement plans are subject to a number of administrative changes, document requirements and other deadlines effective with or during the 2020 calendar/plan year, especially in light of the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement Act of 2019 (SECURE). The following article summarizes these changes […]

The Latest in Stable Value Fund Litigation

JOSEPH C. FAUCHER and BRIAN D. MURRAY, February, 2020    401(k) plan sponsors routinely offer stable value funds as conservative investment alternatives for their participants. Insurance companies that manage stable value funds invest in fixed income instruments, such as short- and intermediate-term government and corporate bonds and mortgage-backed securities. The funds are insured, so investors […]

Groundhog Results Are In: An Early Spring Means It’s Time for Health and Welfare Spring Cleaning!

GISUE MEHDI and CATHERINE L. REAGAN, February, 2020    1. Thought You Were in the Clear? CA’s Individual Mandate Replaces the ACA Individual Mandate for CA Taxpayers Although the federal government effectively removed the individual mandate under the Affordable Care Act by setting the penalty to zero (effective January 1, 2019 under the Tax Cuts […]

Supreme Court Gives Plaintiffs Cover to Beat ERISA’s 3-Year Statute of Limitations

CLARISSA A. KANG and DYLAN D. RUDOLPH, February, 2020    On February 26, 2020, the Supreme Court settled a split among federal circuit courts of appeal regarding what it means to have actual knowledge of an alleged breach of fiduciary duty sufficient to begin the running of a three-year period to file suit on the […]

Supreme Court Remands Outlier Stock Drop Decision

JOSEPH C. FAUCHER and DYLAN D. RUDOLPH, January 27, 2020    For many years, courts have wrestled with the standards that apply to a fiduciary’s decision to offer stock of the sponsor company as an investment option in the company’s 401(k) plan. The struggle arose from two arguably contradictory provisions in ERISA. One provision encouraged […]

SECURE Act Makes Significant and Immediate Pension Law Changes

CRAIG P. HOFFMAN, December, 2019    The most far-reaching pension reform legislation in 13 years was passed by Congress and is expected to be signed into law by President Trump today as part of the budget bill funding the federal government for the remainder of the fiscal year. The Setting Every Community Up for Retirement […]

The Final Frontier: Adding a Retirement Tier

R. BRADFORD HUSS, CRAIG P. HOFFMAN, CATHERINE L. REAGAN, November, 2019  401(k) plans have been with us for almost 40 years. Over that time, the focus for most plans has been on helping participants accumulate savings that will be consumed in retirement. With the decline in defined benefit plans, 401(k) plans are providing a large […]

U.S. Supreme Court Considering Three ERISA Cases in October Term 2019

JOSEPH C. FAUCHER and BRIAN D. MURRAY, November, 2019 The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) has generated numerous U.S. Supreme Court decisions since its enactment, and this year’s term is no exception. The Court is currently considering three ERISA cases involving a range of significant issues. First, in Retirement Plans Committee of […]

2020 Pension Plan Limitation Highlights

Shannon Oliver, November, 2019 On November 6, 2019, the Internal Revenue Service issued Notice 2019-59, containing the cost-of-living adjustments related to retirement plan limitations under the Internal Revenue Code (the “Code”). These changes will take effect on January 1, 2020. Below are some of the highlights. Limitations That Have Increased The limitation on the annual […]

DOL Proposes New E-Disclosure Regulations

CRAIG P. HOFFMAN, October, 2019    Background On October 23, 2019, the Department of Labor (DOL) published proposed regulations that provide for a new e-disclosure safe harbor for distribution of participant notices required under ERISA. This regulatory project is in response to President Trump’s Executive Order on Strengthening Retirement Security, issued in August of last […]

Ninth Circuit Upholds 401(k) Plan’s Provision That Compels Arbitration and Prohibits Class or Collective Action

CLARISSA A. KANG, September, 2019  Last month, the Ninth Circuit held in favor of retirement plan fiduciaries to require arbitration of a participant’s claims for breach of fiduciary duty on an individual basis, rather than on a class action basis. Dorman v. Charles Schwab Corp., — F.3d –, 2019 WL 3926990 (9th Cir. 2019). In […]

Individual Coverage HRAs: Practicalities and Potential Pitfalls for Employers (Part One)

SARAH KANTER, September, 2019 This article is part one of a two-part article examining many of the issues that employers and other plan sponsors may want to consider when deciding whether to offer employees an Individual Coverage Health Reimbursement Arrangement (ICHRA), which was created by final regulations (the “final regulations”) released on June 13, 2019 […]

Washington Update — the DOL Regulatory Agenda

CRAIG P. HOFFMAN Reproduced from the NIPA (National Institute of Pension Administrators) publication Strictly Business for TPA Business Owners The Department of Labor’s recent regulation regarding association retirement plans could significantly affect retirement plan policy for many years to come. However, the most recent guidance plan filed by the Department of Labor (Department or DOL) […]

Two Interesting New Rules Regarding Prescription Drugs — What is Really Going On?

MARY E. POWELL, September, 2019    In the last few months, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) have issued rules that impact the cost that group health plans (GHPs) can charge participants for certain prescription drugs. This article explains those rules and also takes a critical […]

SECURE Retirement Legislation on Hold in the Senate

CRAIG P. HOFFMAN, August, 2019    Congress will soon be returning to Washington from its summer recess. The question for those interested in retirement policy is whether pension reform will finally move forward this year. The answer will depend on whether several key senators agree to lift the “holds” they have placed on the legislation. […]

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