Practice Areas

Governmental Plans

We assist many governmental employers with their employee benefit plans and related matters. Our services include acting as counsel for retirement plan and health plan board of trustees and providing advice and representation on legal and compliance matters for any of the employee benefit programs sponsored by a governmental employer including implementation and establishment, mergers, and terminations. We represent federal instrumentalities, state counties (sponsoring either 37 Act pension plans or non-37 Act plans), cities, towns, water districts, sanitation districts, regional park districts and hospital and health districts.

Our Firm has experience with the Brown Act requirements, Internal Revenue Code compliance matters, California Insurance laws, COBRA, HIPAA, and fiduciary duties. We have advised our governmental clients on a wide variety of employee benefit matters including:

  • Section 457(b) plans, both preparation and compliance
  • Section 457(f) non-qualified plans
  • 37 Act Pension plans
  • HIPAA compliance, including HIPAA privacy and HIPAA security
  • Internal Revenue Code requirements for defined benefit and defined contribution plans (Section 401(a) plans)
  • Retiree health trusts
  • Guidance on the legal aspects of investment authority
  • Rights and responsibilities of appointed and elected officials in regard to employee benefits

Our broad experience and depth in employee benefits matters coupled with our long-standing representation of governmental entities give us a unique ability to handle any and all benefits matters that may need legal attention. We understand the context of government sponsored benefit programs, whether they pertain to represented or non-represented groups of employees.

If you'd like to know more

For more information regarding this area of the Firm’s practice, please contact Kevin Nolt.

Office Locations


135 Main Street, 9th Floor

San Francisco, CA 94105-1815


15760 Ventura Boulevard, Suite 910

Los Angeles, CA 91436-2964


329 NE Couch Street, Suite 200

Portland, OR 97232-1332

Awards & Recognition